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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

A message to the children from the Chair of Governors

Friday 20th March


The governors at Ingram Road would like you to know that our thoughts and good wishes go home with you this Friday afternoon. We hope that all our pupils and their families and friends will be able to look after themselves and find ways to make a difficult situation as positive as can be.


A lot of organisation has taken place to try and help you make the most of the weeks to come. Arrangements are being made to look after you if the people who look after you at home are key workers. You will have work to do when you are at home so that you can keep up with your education. There will be meals to pick up if you have a free school meal. There are lots of people in your community who want to help you if they can, and we will be getting in touch with them over the coming weeks, so make sure you get in touch with school if you are feeling that you need help with something.


You are part of a historic situation as you go home this afternoon. Nothing quite like this has happened in our country before. Why not keep some kind of record of the things that happen? It will be something to tell your grandchildren about!


If you do just one thing while you are at home, please remember everything your teachers have told you about the importance of reading and try to read as many books as you can. If you come back to school as an avid reader, you will have made the best possible use of your time.

Mrs D Porter

Chair of Governors