Welcome to Hazel Class
All about your class teacher:
My name is Miss Pollard
This is my fifth year teaching, I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I could talk (or so my mum tells me). If I wasn't a teacher then I would have loved to be a singer, however if you're in my class you will know why this wouldn't have worked out!
Last year, I became a mum to a very cheeky little boy called Zach. You will often hear me talk about him, usually when he has kept me up all night!
In my spare time, I often love to read crime novels. My favourite author growing up was Jaqueline Wilson, I often loved how creative and funny her character's were.
I have very high expectations in my class and want you to learn in the best way that you can. That way we can have fun together whilst becoming the next 'little Einstein's'
Our Class:
Our class is a mixed Year 3/4 class.
The people that work in our class are:
Miss Pollard
Miss Toulson
Miss Russell
Long Term Plan:
This half-term we are learning about:
Our key vocabulary;
Up-coming trips, experiences & events:
Watch this space!
Important things to remember:
Links that could help us.
Oxford Owl for School and Home
This link has access to our Floppy's Phonics programme.
This link takes you to Purple Mash which is our computing programme. There are lots of activities across the curriculum to support your child.
The above link has access to games to support learning across the curriculum.
The above link has access to maths games to support times tables in maths.
This website provides information for parents and carers on how to support your child's learning in maths.