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Ingram Road Primary School home page

Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Hazel Class

All about your class teacher: 






My name is Mrs Rai and I am very lucky to have Miss Toulson and Miss Taylor in Hazel with me.  


I began my career in education as a Nursery Nurse, I loved watching the children grow and have lots of light blub moments.  This inspired me to become a teacher, which I have been for the past fourteen years.  


In my spare time, I like to read as it allows me to transport myself into a whole new world and relax.   


Our Class:

Our class is a mixed Year 3/4 class. 

The people that work in our class are:

Mrs Rai

Miss Toulson

Miss Taylor 


Long Term Plan:

Up-coming trips, experiences & events:

Watch this space!

Important things to remember:



Children will be assigned homework on a Friday, which will be spellings to be completed in their spelling book and Maths which will mostly be online based.  Homework will be collected in the following Friday. 

Sometimes due to circumstances homework may be assigned different days. 



It is very important for children to build up confidence and fluency in reading.  Children will bring their reading book and reading record home every day, please can your child read at least three times a week.  When your child has read, please fill in and sign your child’s reading record.  Every time your child reads at home, your child will get a sticker on their bookmark.  Once the bookmark is full, your child can choose a book to keep forever.   



Our PE days are on a Monday and Wednesday, children need to have their PE kit in school on these days.  The PE kit is black shorts or joggers, white t-shirt, a black jumper/hoodie and trainers.    

Links that could help us.


Oxford Owl for School and Home

This link has access to our Floppy's Phonics programme.


Purple Mash by 2Simple

This link takes you to Purple Mash which is our computing programme. There are lots of activities across the curriculum to support your child.


Primary games - BBC Bitesize

The above link has access to games to support learning across the curriculum.


Hit the button 

The above link has access to maths games to support times tables in maths.


White Rose Maths Resources

This website provides information for parents and carers on how to support your child's learning in maths.