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Ingram Road Primary School home page

Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Elm Class

All about your class teacher: 


Hello! My name is Mr. Rivers and I am delighted to teaching Elm Class this academic year! Having taught across the U.K and internationally in China, it will come at no surprise that I love to travel the world and experience different cultures. I am an avid reader and take a book with me everywhere. My favourite book of all time is The Hobbit; a fantasy story about travel and adventure. I try to be active and I enjoy playing rugby on a Saturday afternoon. I look forward to learning more about our class as the year progresses and I am very excited about what we can achieve this year. 

Our Class:

Our class is a mixed Year 3/4 class.

The staff that work in our class are:

Mr. Rivers

Miss. Taylor 

Long Term Plan:

This half-term we are learning about: 


Our key vocabulary;


Pompeii - was an ancient city located in what is now the commune of Pompeii near Naples in the Campania region of Italy
Cause - Compression of rock causes shock waves to spread out from the focus of an earthquake. lead to: Describe how plate movements lead to the formation of earthquakes.
Consequence - something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
Topographical - represents a particular area in detail, including everything natural and man-made — hills, valleys, roads, or lakes. It's the geographical contours of the land.
Land use -  is the function of land - what it is used for
Volcano - an opening in the Earth’s crust where red-hot rocks and gas break to the surface from underground.
Magma - molten rock that is formed in very hot conditions inside the earth.
Lava - the very hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano
Tectonic plates - any of the several segments of the Earth's crust that move
Earthquake - a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the Earth's crust
Mountain - a very high area of land with steep sides
Structure – refers to the relations of parts
3D -  Three-dimensional as in model
Material – what things are made from.
Shell structure - A shell is a type of structural element which is characterized by its geometry, being a three-dimensional solid whose thickness is very small
Framework – used to explain information and ideas.


Up-coming trips, experiences & events;


Watch this space!

Important things to remember:

HomeworkHomework is set on a Friday. Each child will have one piece of Maths homework and one piece of English homework. The homework is set using our homework booklets and is due back in by Wednesday. Homework club will run every Monday and Tuesday lunchtime for pupils who need additional support. 
SpellingsSpellings are sent out on a Friday. The spellings will be based on a spelling pattern being taught in class that week.  Your child will need to complete these ready for each Friday.
ReadingIt is very important for your child to build up confidence and fluency in reading. Please read with your child and log this in their reading record book. We will check everyday and your child will be rewarded if they have their book signed. 
PE kitPE is on a Tuesday. PE kit should be placed into a bag and brought into school. We aim to have our PE lessons outside so please send in appropriate PE kit. 


Useful Links:


Oxford Owl for School and Home

This link has access to our Floppy's Phonics programme.


Purple Mash by 2Simple

This link takes you to Purple Mash which is our computing programme. We use this programme for our homework but there are lots of activities to support your child.


Primary games - BBC Bitesize

The above link has access to games to support learning across the curriculum.


Hit the button 

The above link has access to maths games to support times tables in maths.


White Rose Maths Resources

This website provides information for parents and carers on how to support your child's learning in maths.