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Ingram Road Primary School home page

Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Sycamore Class!

Teacher: Miss Leeming

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Toulson and Miss Lloyd


Welcome Intro: Sycamore Class is a mixed Year 5 and 6 class. We are a class of 31 wonderful children. We work incredibly hard so that we can all achieve our best. In our class, we have children from all over the world. There are many languages spoken amongst us. We enjoy learning in many different ways. We enjoy mixing into groups for English and Maths in the mornings before coming back together in the afternoon for all our other lessons.


Our Usual Class Timetable:

PE: Sycamore class have PE on each Wednesday afternoon. It is essential that all children remember to bring a full PE kit to school on this day. This kit needs to contain a pair of shorts or jogging bottoms as well as a t-shirt and appropriate footwear. Please remember that PE will sometimes take place outside and so clothing and footwear needs to be appropriate for this.



Homework: Sycamore class will receive their Maths and English homework each Friday. Completed homework must be returned to school on the following Wednesday. Additionally, children will receive spellings to learn on a Friday. These spellings will then be tested on the following Friday. Each fortnight children will also bring home times tables to learn.


Reading: Children are expected to read at home on a regular basis as this is essential for children to be able to make expected progress. Children should read (either to an adult or to themselves) and must have their reading record signed by an adult. Children must have their reading book in school every day.


Music: All children who have additional music lessons must ensure that their instrument is in school on the relevant day. (Thursday or Friday)


Swimming (year 5’s only) Year 5 children will attend swimming sessions in the Summer Term. They must bring to school a swimming kit (swimming shorts for boys and a swimming costume for girls) as well as a towel.