Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Funding Allocation
Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. Schools were allocated funding for children from low income families who were eligible for free school meals, children who are looked after and those from families with parents in the armed forces.
Schools are free to spend the pupil premium as they see fit. However, they will be accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low income families. New measures will be included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of those deprived pupils covered by the pupil premium.
Context of Ingram Road Primary school
- Over 95% of the learners live in one of the 10% most deprived areas in the country. 46% of learners are eligible for pupil premium funding compared to 28% in Leeds and 23% nationally (most recent Leeds and national figures 2019), with 40% of pupil registered as current Free School Meals, compared to 22% of Leeds primary schools and 18% for state funded schools. However, we recognise that not all pupils who are academically or socially challenged are registered for free school meals, we reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil, or groups of pupils identified by school as being at a significant disadvantage.
- 78% of the children are from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds, compared with 37% for Leeds primary schools and 34% for state-funded primary schools nationally.
- 65% of children have English as an additional language (EAL), compared to 23% for Leeds primary schools and 21% for state-funded primary schools nationally. The children speak 49 different languages, many of them dialects spoken only by that child or family.
- 14.7% of learners are on the Special Needs register and of these 39.5% are on the FSM register.
Our Strategy
Pupil Premium is allocated based on a document produced by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) called Raising Achievement Plan (RAP). The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team then make strategic decisions on the use of the pupil premium money to ensure it is targeted according to need.
At Ingram Road we believe that every child can believe, achieve, succeed and grow together. With this in mind, we allocate pupil premium based on the theory that EVERY child should be treated as an individual, with sometimes very specific needs.
We have high aspirations for all the children in our school community and believe that all children should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential. We seek, as a school community, to provide personalised learning opportunities and targeted support to allow every child to flourish.
As we recognise that not all pupils who are academically or socially disadvantaged are registered for free school meals, we reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil, or group of pupils, identified by the school as being at a significant disadvantage.
In order to meet the above requirements, the Governing Body of Ingram Road Primary School will ensure that provision is made which secures the teaching and learning opportunities that meet the needs of all pupils.
Our priorities at Ingram Road Primary School are:
- To narrow the gap for those pupils not on track to achieve the expected standard at the end of KS2.
- To ensure early identification of additional needs and to promote early intervention programmes.
- To ensure that there is extra adult support to facilitate emotional and social development.
- To use a mentoring approach which rigorously integrates target setting, tracking, mentoring & checking systems to make informed choices about the most suitable intervention programmes to use with our children to ensure we are promoting accelerated learning.
This provision will include:
- Facilitating pupils’ access to education.
- Facilitating pupils’ access to the curriculum.
- Additional teaching and learning opportunities.
- Provision of extra-curricular learning.
- Provision for less able pupils.
This allocation has been used for additional educational support to raise standards of attainment for identified children through:
- School Welfare Officer, Family Support Worker and Time 2 Talk Counsellor.
- Phase Leaders with Curriculum Responsibility.
- Speech and Language SEND development.
- Booster Sessions in Year 6.
- KS1 and LKS2 Talk Boost.
- Subsidised Breakfast Club.
- Year 5 residential for Year 5 pupils.
- Subsidised (school visits and transport,) off site first hand experiences to keep parental contributions to a minimum.
- After School Club & Resources.
- Ability Group Teaching.
- Musical Instrument Tuition.
- Attendance awards and active club.
The next review of the school’s overall pupil premium strategy will be in April 2024