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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

Extra Curricular Activities

What extra curricular activities and visits do you organise?


We aim to offer a range of extra curricular experiences across the school such as football, visits to museums and visits from theatre groups.


Educational visits are often arranged to support the studies that are taking place in the classroom.  Each visit is carefully planned and organised to provide a valuable learning experience.


Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the visit, which is often subsidised through school funds.  Although a child will not be prevented from taking part in a visit which supports curricular studies on the basis that he/she has not made a contribution, school reserves the right to cancel a visit if it is not financially viable.


The school reserves the right to exclude any child from a visit if his/her behaviour is not supportive of health and safety issues.


Places often visited include:


  • Thwaite Mills
  • Royal Armouries
  • Lineham Farm
  • Bolton Abbey
  • Temple Newsam House and Garden
  • Tropical World
  • Harewood House and Garden
  • Eden Camp
  • Lotherton Hall
  • Fairburn Ings
  • Kirkstall Abbey


How will my child’s progress be monitored and reported?


On admission to the nursery, assessments will take place in order to assess children’s levels of development.  These assessments are discussed with the parents.  This assessment is called ‘on entry assessment’.


Baseline assessment takes place at the end of the reception year and will assess your child’s development at the end of the Foundation Stage in the areas of literacy, mathematics, knowledge and understanding of the world, physical and creative development and personal, social and emotional development. You will have the opportunity to discuss this assessment with the teacher.  The teacher to plan for your child’s learning will use these assessments.


The teacher carries out teacher Assessments at all stages of your child’s education. These assessments are used to support each teachers planning and the learning of your child.  They will be discussed with you at open evenings in the Autumn Term and the Summer Term.


At the age of 7 (the end of key stage 1) and at the age of 11 (the end of key stage 2) the children will take part in the national tests and tasks.


Written reports are sent home in the Summer Term of each year.  Parents evenings are held in the Autumn and the Summer Terms.




Breakfast Club


Our free Breakfast Club is open to all pupils each morning. Children must arrive to Breakfast Club after 8.15 but before 8.30.


We serve a wide range of healthy foods including fruit, cereals, toast, yoghurt, pancakes and crumpets. We are very grateful to Greggs the Bakers for sponsoring the club.


If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club please ask at the Office.


After School Sports & Social Clubs


We offer many after school activities and clubs for KS1 and KS2 children, these range from Football, Choir, Basketball, Rugby, Computer and Art clubs to Knitting, Cookery, Science and Gardening.


You can view the latest timetable of activities here:

Places are offered on a first come first served basis. Your child will be notified by letter that they have a place in the club with details of what time your child will need to be collected.


Every club we offer has your child’s safety as it’s priority; a leaflet has been put together to assist you with any questions you may have please click here for more information.