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Ingram Road Primary School home page

Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Willow class page!



Here we will share key events and information just for Willow class!



Teacher: Miss Lewis

Teaching Assistants: Miss Thompson & Mr Edwards



Willow Class Timetable


PE is EVERY Tuesday.

 Please remind your child to bring in their p.e kit that day. Your child’s p.e. kit should have a white t-shirt and black shorts. You also should have pumps/trainers, jacket/hoodie and leggings/tracksuit bottoms for outdoor p.e.

Homework is set EVERY Friday. This includes English, Maths and Spellings.

Alongside this you should be reading with your child every day.

Spellings should be practised daily, ready for our spelling test on Wednesday.

All homework should be returned by the following Tuesday.


It is very important that you read with your child every day as this helps them read fluently, expand their vocabulary and it will lead them to future academic success. We will send 3 books home each week. Please write a small comment in their reading journal every time you read with your child. This will also help them move around the reading race competition where your child can win fabulous prizes! 


Willow’s music lessons are every Tuesday morning.


We will have an amazing topic that we focus on each term. These will be based on either Geography or History curriculum objectives.


Autumn 1 – Geography focus

All about us and our community

LQ: What country do we live in?

Autumn 2 – DT focus

Spring 1 – History/Geography focus

Fire, Fire!

LQ: How did the fire brigade come to be?

Spring 2 – Art focus

Summer 1 – history and geography focus

Out of this World!

LQ: How did Neil Armstrong change the world?

Summer 2 – DT/Art focus