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Ingram Road Primary School home page

Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Ingram Road Primary!


Ingram Road Primary School is at the heart of our community. This is an attribute that the school as a whole is very proud of, and work very hard to sustain.


We have around 348 children, including 52 part-time nursery places, at any one time which creates a happy throng of bustling activity. We note with pride the number of visitors who comment on the happy atmosphere and the commitment we pledge to inclusive education and how we strive to maintain a high quality teaching and learning environment for all children.


Each day, children are presented with new challenges, experiences and choices to broaden their understanding of our community, environment and acceptance of each other.  We encourage the celebration of achievements no matter how big or small to motivate and inspire young minds.


We place a high value on establishing close links between home, community and school so that we can effectively work together to achieve the best for each child.


Parents are always welcome in to school. There are many opportunities to share in special events across the year such as assemblies and concerts, but also encourage parents to share in their child’s progress through consultation with their child’s class teacher and by viewing their child’s work and annual written reports. We also try to keep you informed about school life through our regular newsletter.


We also welcome parental involvement by attending reading mornings, taking part in training courses on a variety of subjects and taking up voluntary roles in our breakfast clubs. We hold many fundraising events throughout the year to enable us to provide extra curricular activities and to part fund school day trips to add extra fun and other exciting and stimulating learning environments.


We work with many groups within the local area to add to our commitment to the social and wellbeing aspects of our local community as a whole.


If you have any questions, or would like to call into school, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Yours sincerely


Sam Williams & Ted Theaker


Ingram Road Prospectus