How will I know Ingram Road Primary School supports my child?
- If a pupil has needs related to more specific areas of their education or social skills, such as spelling, handwriting, numeracy & literacy skills etc. then the pupil may be placed in a small focus group. This will be run by the teacher or teaching assistant. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to need but will generally be for a half term. The interventions will be regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. If the child has not made expected progress then a Support Plan may be devised with parents, teachers and the SENco.
- Parents will be provided with a copy of their child’s Support Plan. This outlines what the individual outcomes are for their child.
- Occasionally a pupil may need further assessment from an outside agency such as the Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Physiotherapist, School Nursing team or Paediatrician. Referral forms are completed once permission has been provided by the parent. A report will be written by the relevant Agency and school will act upon advice given, to improve outcomes for children.