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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Welcome to Sycamore Class

All about your class teacher;                                                     

Hi Everyone!


I am Miss Leeming and I am the class teacher for Sycamore. Most people will already know that I am a huge Spurs fan which can be depressing at times! I have supported them since I was a child as I lived pretty close by to the original stadium.


I also love to read. I read lots of crime thrillers and also some fiction set in war time and other times in history.


I love to travel. Over the years, I have travelled to many parts of the world. My favourite places to visit have been Vietnam, Laos and New York! I only wish that travelling was free so I could go more often!

Our Class


In Sycamore, there are thirty wonderful learners. 

Miss Roberts teaches in our class for four afternoons a week.

This Half Term we are learning about:


This half term our project is called 'Blood, Beasts and Bones.' Children in UKS2 will be learning about the impact that the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings had on life in Britain.


In Art, pupils will be learning to paint still life. The artist that we will use as a stimulus is Paul Cezanne. Children will be creating still life paintings using a Viking theme.


In Science, our topic is called Body Pump and Body Health. The unit focuses on the parts of the human body and what the main functions are of each of the body parts.


In English, we are learning to write finding tales. We will be focusing on using descriptive language to make writing exciting and to create powerful imagery.


In Maths, we will be covering a range of themes including place value of numbers up to and including 10 millions as well as the four mathematical operations.

Our Key Vocabulary


reliable - likely to be correct.


settlement - a small area where a group or groups live.


source - somewhere we can find information.


mock up - quick 3D modelling using easy to work and cheaper materials and temporary joints. Useful for checking proportions and scale.


seam allowance - extra fabric allowed for joining together.


specification - describes what a product has to do.


working drawing - detailed drawing containing all the information needed to make a product but one that is updated as changes are made.


Our School Trips, Events and Experiences

In the Spring Term, we are looking forward to inviting some visitors into school from Ancient Greece! They will help us to find out all about life in Greece during this period and the impact that the Greeks have had on the modern world.



Important Things to Remember

Homework - Homework will be given to the children every Friday and will need to be returned by the following Wednesday.


Spellings - Spellings will be given to your child on a Friday. They must complete these spellings in their spelling books and return these to school, ready to be tested on the following Friday.


Reading - It is very important for your child to to build up their confidence and fluency in reading. Your child will bring home their reading book each night. Please sign their reading record every time you listen to them read. We will check each week and add a sticker to their book mark for each day they have read at home. When the book mark is full, they will receive a book to keep forever. 


PE Kit - Sycamore will need to have their PE kits in school on a Wednesday.


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