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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


Curriculum Intent


At Ingram Road Primary School, we will help all children to develop an understanding of time, place, people and events through the effective teaching and learning of the knowledge skills and understanding of history. Our aim is to ignite a curiosity to learn about the past that will help children understand who they are and how their environment and the world has changed over time. We have a Topic based approach and make links to other subjects where appropriate. Our starting point is the National Curriculum and then we adapt our topics by considering the interests and locality of the children. The topics have been carefully selected so that there are opportunities to explore ideas in depth, revisit and expand upon previous learning and make links between subjects. The topics are built around planned practical learning opportunities such as field work, museum visits and workshops that enrich children’s learning further. We take full advantage of our location in Leeds through curriculum topics that explore the richness of Leeds past and present.

History Intent, Implement, Impact

History policy 2021

History National Curriculum



Previously learnt vocabulary is recapped and discussed on a on-going, regular basis. 



This is the Vocabulary for Autumn term 2022/2023: 




Century – 100 years.

Year – 365 days.                                               

Past – Something that has already happened.

Present – Right now!

Future – Something that hasn’t happened yet.

Picture – A drawing, photograph or piece of art.

Photograph – Taken using a camera.



Civilisation: A civilization is a large group of people who share certain advanced ways of living and working.

Evidence: something that gives proof or a reason to believe.

Ancient: belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in history before the end of the Roman Empire.

BCE (before common era) a year before the birth of Jesus Christ.

CE (common era) any year after Year 1.

AD: Refers to a year that comes after the death of Jesus Christ.

Represent: to present a picture, image, or likeness of something

Hieroglyphics: a writing system that uses pictures and symbols instead of letters and words.




Culture – the ides, customs and social behaviour of a society.

Effectiveness - the quality of working well and producing results that were intended.

Excavate – remove earth carefully from (an area) in order to find buried remains.

Legacy – something that is handed down from one period of time to another.

Significance – a decision that modern people make about what is important from our past.



his is the Vocabulary for Spring term 2022/2023: 



Source – Something that gives information about an event.

Artefact – An item that is from the past. It can give us information about what life was like then.






LKS2 Geography focus this term 




UKS2 Geography focus this term 


This is the Vocabulary for Summer term 2022/2023: 



KS1 Geography focus this term 



Democracya system of government where people have a say in how the government is run.

Settlementa place where people live and sometimes work.

Invasionthe movement of an army into a region in an attempt to take control of it or to steal goods from it.

Colosseuma huge, open-air amphitheatre, or arena, built in Rome as a gift to the people for entertainment and sport.

Empire an extensive group of countries, or states, ruled over by a single monarch or emperor.

Revoltto rise up and fight against the government or other authority.

Historical Enquiry – developing knowledge and understanding by posing questions about the past, analysing and evaluating sources as evidence to develop an informed interpretation.

Racial: relating to the major groupings into which humankind is sometimes divided on the basis of physical characteristics or shared ancestry.

Diverse: including representatives from more than one social, cultural, or economic group, especially members of ethnic or religious minority groups.

Analyse: to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results.

Justify: to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded.

Propaganda: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Bias: a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned.

Blitz: an intensive aerial bombing.

Evacuate: to remove persons from (a city, town, building, area, etc.) for reasons of safety.

Morale: emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship, etc.

Allies: the 26 nations that fought against the Axis in World War II and, with subsequent additions, signed the charter of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945.

Emigrate: to leave one country or region to settle in another.

Axis power: GermanyItaly, and Japan, which were allied before and during World War II

Immigration: to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.


KS1's Trip to Abbey House Museum learning about old and new toys.

Black History Month: Wc 17/10/22


Black History Month is observed every October in Britain. It is an opportunity to celebrate the outstanding contributions that Black people have made to British society, whether that be today or historically.
Black History Month provides great opportunities to highlight key moments in Black British history. It is important to celebrate the contributions of everyone to our society and support the multiculturalism and diversity that helps shape our communities. 

This year we will focus on local, black, significant individuals. It is important that the children learn about black individuals, but this year our big focus will be on black history in Leeds and Yorkshire. 



Ingram Road exploring artefacts from the Leeds Discovery Museum!

Knowledge Organisers.

What are knowledge organisers?

Knowlege orgnisers act as a planning tool, setting out all of the core, foundational facts that must be learnt to understand and master a particular topic. 

We find them a useful assessment tool, as we will refer back to the knowledge organsier throughout the topic. 

Pupils will review, revise and quiz themselves using their knowledge organisers.


Here are the current knowledge organisers that we are using in school: