Welcome to Cedar Class
Teacher: Miss Lockwood/Mrs Kirkham |
Teaching Assistants: Mr Keogan |
Welcome Intro: Welcome to the Cedar class page. Cedar class always strive to be kind, listen, sit nicely, be sensible and try our best! Below you will find information about our usual week.
Our usual class timetable
PE PE in Cedar class is on a Wednesday. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school. They should have shorts and a t-shirt. They should also have sensible shoes and a jacket for outdoor PE.
Homework Homework will be sent home every Friday. Your child will have maths and English homework and a set of spellings each week. They need to complete their homework by themselves but some support can be given with understanding. The spellings should be practiced daily so that your child learns them ready for their spelling test on a Tuesday. All homework and spelling books need to be back in school the following Tuesday.
Reading Reading is a very important part of your child’s education. For your child to become confident readers and writers they need to have plenty of opportunities to read books. Every Friday your child will be sent home 3 reading books. Please read these with your child each day and write in their reading journal.
Music Music will be every Tuesday in school.
Educational visits Throughout the year, your child will have many opportunities to go out on educational visits. These visits will help to enhance the curriculum for your child. You will receive a letter about each visit before we go.
Our project topics The children have an exciting project every term. This has a focus on either geography or history in the first half term, then art or DT in the second half term.