Welcome Back - Autumn Term - Wednesday September 4th 2019
Dear Parents/Carers
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school after the summer holiday tomorrow - Wednesday 4th September. School will open to all pupils from Reception class through to year 6 children, at 9am.
Reception class children will need to be collected at 11.30am on Wednesday and Thursday as they settle into their new routine and at 1.15pm on Friday when they have had heir very first school lunch with us. From next week (Monday 9th September) they will be in school full time with all of the other children from 9am to 3.15pm.
All other children (year 1 to year 6) will need to be collected at 3.15pm - there are no after school activity clubs this week - these will start in next week from Monday 9th September. We will send letters home this week as to how your child will be able to enroll. There are a limited number of places in our after school childcare between 3.15 and 4.30pm for a small charge of £3.
See you all tomorrow bright and early and ready for the new term!