Spring Term 2
Spring Term 2 - Monday 28th February 2022
27th February 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
We hope that you and you children have enjoyed the half term break - although the weather has been a little wet and windy at times!
We are looking forward to welcoming all children back to school tomorrow - Monday 28th February. I am so happy to let you know that after the Prime Minister's recent announcement around 'Living with Covid' that there will be a few changes to the school day that will resemble our 'old normal'!
The staff and children in particular, overall, have been extremely resilient to the constant changes that Covid has brought us over the past 2 years. Your co-operation and understanding of our requirement to follow the ever-changing rules has also been greatly appreciated.
As we await further guidance from the local authority (Leeds City Council), we continue to be cautious and will advise of any further changes as soon as we become aware of them. In the meantime, in summary, our plans towards normal are:
- All children who were doing boosters before or after school will continue as they did before half term.
- All other children will start school at the same time with the playground gates opening at 8.40 and children will come in to class gradually until lessons begin at 9.00. For that first 15 minutes, children will have the opportunity to read with support from staff in the classroom.
- Parents will be able queue with their child at their allocated gate - Rydall Place for Reception and KS1 (year 1 and 2), Brown Lane East for Children in KS2 (year 3, 4, 5, 6). Staff will continue to be present at the gates; parents do not need to enter the school playground.
- Lunchtimes will be back to eating in the main school hall on a rota basis, starting at 11.30am for children in reception and nursery.
- Children will be able to enjoy playing outside together as soon as they have finished their lunch. All children will start their afternoon lessons at 1pm.
- At the end of the day, all children will leave their classrooms at 3.10pm to line up in playground ready to go home.
- Parents should queue at the appropriate gates at 3.15 with respect and consideration for others, where staff will hand your child to you (or your nominated adult).
- Staff are still expected to wear masks/visors when in circulation areas or out of their own Phase until we receive further guidance from the local authority.
The Risk Assessment, and in particular the 'Outbreak Management Plan' will be invoked should a further local outbreak of Covid-19 variants occur.
We continue to respectfully request, that you DO NOT send your child to school if they are unwell, if they have a high temperature, a continuous/new cough. However, as per current Government advice 'adults and children who test positive will continue to be advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people. After 5 days, they may choose to take a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) followed by another the next day-if both are negative, and they do not have a temperature, they can safely return to their normal routine. Those who test positive should avoid contact with any one in an at risk group, including if they live in the same household'.
Should you have any questions please email info@ingramroad.org.uk as the phone lines can get quite busy especially first thing in the morning and at the end of the school day. You can also use this email to notify us of any changes in address, telephone numbers or contacts on your child's record.
If you wish to report your child absent from school you can email attendance@ingramroad.org.uk or telephone 0113 2456136 option 1 and leave a message for Mrs Robb, School Welfare & Attendance Officer.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
Yours faithfully
Miss S Millard