School Meals vs Packed lunch
Dear Parents/Carers
Now that the weather is turning colder, you may start to think about your child having a warm meal at lunchtime. The school meals menu is nutritious and good value for money at just £11 per week.
If you send your child with a packed lunch, please make sure that the meal you send with them is a healthy meal. We do not allow chocolate or fizzy pop, but please also do NOT send cold takeaway food such as burger and chips - this is not healthy. Packed lunched should be brought into school with your child at 9am.
Please see the attached guide for what is acceptable to put in a packed lunch. Alternatively if you would like your child to have a warm school meal please speak to the school office.
PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that you notify the school office if your child swaps from packed lunch to school meals or vice versa; as we order the food in advance and the food is prepared in the school kitchen fresh every day. If you don't tell us of any changes your child may not get a meal ordered.
Please also be aware that we DO NOT offer credit, meals should be paid for on Monday every week; unless you have made an individual request to pay on an alternative date with the office.
Please click on the links for our packed lunch policy, the healthy packed lunch builder and the school meals menu.
If you have any questions about school meals, please don't hesitate to call into school or give us a call.
Kind Regards
Miss Millard