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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

News Update

1st July 2021


Dear Parents /Carers


I hope you and your family are all well. As restrictions are finally starting to ease in the UK please make sure you stay up to date on our website with all the latest news on Covid 19:


Thank you for continuing to follow Government Guidance, including wearing a face covering to enter the school site, and when queuing outside school to drop off and collect your children.  The Covid 'Delta' variant is on the increase in Leeds, and we would like to continue to protect our whole school community by adhering to the guidance:


  1. Keep a safe distance from others.
  2. Wash your hands regularly, for 20 seconds.
  3. You must wear a face covering on public transport, in shops and in healthcare settings. For a full list of where you must wear a face covering, check government guidance.
  4. No one in your household should leave home if any one person has symptoms.
  5. If you have symptoms, stay at home and book a free test on the NHS websiteexternal link or ring 119.
  6. If you need to stay at home and have no family or friends for support, ring 0113 376 0330.


The Parent Advisory information we sent you previously with details of start and end times of the day still remains in place. In fact we haven't made very many changes in school during this half term.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON TIME TO DROP OFF AND COLLECT YOUR CHILD SO THAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN OUR COVID SAFE 'BUBBLES'.


A comprehensive risk assessment remains in place which has been undertaken by colleagues in school and in collaboration with the Local Authority. A full copy of our risk assessment is available on our website and is reviewed regularly.


Children are already familiar with the new way of working in school, and will be reminded of the importance of washing their hands regularly and will talk about how to keep themselves and each other safe both in and out of school.


Behaviour in school

May I bring to your attention the changes we made back in September to our Behaviour Policy. Whilst most rules and procedures remain the same, there a few small changes to that are in effect during the current pandemic, these are in place to ensure the safety of both staff and children.  A copy of the amended Behaviour Policy can be found on our website – please click here to view. It is important to note that other schools in the Leeds Local Authority may adopt different models for their school day and arrangements on site.


After School Activity Clubs (Sport)

After school activity clubs will run until the last day of term (Friday 16th July).


Anyone with Covid Symptoms in your house?

I hope that you and your households remain well but just in case, a reminder that a key system of control for schools is to minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID -19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school. If anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 please do not send your son/daughter into school. Please contact school to notify us of your child’s absence before 9am.

Please arrange a PCR test in line with national guidance and inform school of the outcome of any test as there will be actions that we need to take. If a child becomes unwell in school, we will contact you immediately to arrange for your child and any siblings to leave site.

Lateral Flow Devices (LFD) are not recommended for children under the age of 11, a PCR test is recommended for anyone, including children with symptoms.

School require the test result emailing to - whether the result is positive or negative.

If in doubt, get a PCR test, and your whole family must isolate until you get the result.

  • Negative results and the child can come back to school as soon as they are well enough.
  • Positive result means the whole family should isolate for 10 days.


Keeping us up to date with contact details

Please can I request that contact us with any changes to contact details and please make sure that you check you emails regularly sending letters and other important information. Not only are we saving money on paper and printing costs, it is much more environmentally friendly. Please make sure you email address is up to date, you can call us on 0113 2456136 or email us at with any changes.


Finally, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I am sure you appreciate that a great deal of work goes into making sure our school is safe for our whole school community, we really appreciate your support with this and for following our school guidelines. I will keep you updated with any further changes to guidance and in particular if there are any other significant changes either locally or nationally that affect our school planning.


Let's keep up the good work so that we can all look forward to enjoying our well deserved Summer holiday.


Yours faithfully


Miss S Millard
