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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

Letter from LCC

17th September


Dear Parents/Carers


Please see below the letter from Sal Tariq, - Director Of Children's Services Leeds City Council. 

As the letter states, please be on time to bring your child to school and collect them on time at the end of each day. This is ESSENTIAL for us to maintain social distancing of 2 metres. 

It is also suggested that as there are so many people in a small space that ideally you may consider wearing a face covering, to protect yourself and others from transmissions of the virus.

Please be reminded that you MUST have an appointment to enter the school premises; and you MUST wear a face covering at ALL TIMES.

Please be understanding of the difficult task that our school staff have in trying to make the dropping off and collection of children as fast and as safe for everyone as possible. The safety of your children is most important, so please be polite to everyone, as we navigate these difficult times.


Letter from Sal Tariq - Director of Leeds City Council Children's Services


Yours faithfully 

Miss S Millard
