Letter from Governors
8th March 2021
Dear Parents,
On behalf of all the Governors at Ingram Road, I would like to welcome all parents and carers and your families back to school. I am sure that school opening for all has been a very welcome sign to you that things are returning to normal.
Governors have been meeting regularly with the Head and some members of staff, by Zoom, and they have told us about how much effort parents and carers have put in to supporting pupils with remote learning. The Ofsted inspectors who carried out an inspection of our arrangements for remote learning were also impressed by the numbers of families who had taken part in remote lessons.
I’m sure we have all been worried that children have been missing out on vital learning experiences during these very difficult times. It has taken a big team effort to make sure that learning is still happening for our young people. The most important contribution in this team has come from you, the parents and carers of Ingram Road. We would like to congratulate you and thank you for everything you have done to keep your children learning. I hope you feel that your reward has come today as you enjoy a little more peace and quiet than you have been used to over the last few months.
Deryn Porter
Chair of Governors