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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

Leeds Community Healthcare



Five short videos featuring local parents talking about toilet training, establishing sleep routines, maintaining healthy eating habits, breastfeeding and relationship changes after baby is born are among the support materials for a refreshed family health service in Leeds.

The 0-19 Public Health Integrated Nursing Service has been set up to help every child in Leeds embark on the best possible start in life and support them as they grow – and that often means offering information and peer support to parents and carers.

One of the featured parents Alan Sewell said: “Bringing up a child is one of the toughest tasks I’ve ever taken on and I agreed to share my experience so that others parents know they’re not alone and have somewhere local to get advice. The videos show a small part of a great service that looks after children from birth to adulthood and helps parents along the way. I loved being part of the videos and think it is really important that parents know what support is available. The 0-19 service is there to help and they provided valuable support to our family.”

The 0-19 Public Health Integrated Nursing Service is led by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and offers support and information to help families with a variety of common and more specialist topics – anything from bed wetting to emotional difficulties, oral health to bereavement.

You can watch the videos and find out more about the service on

We also have a service Facebook page, which shares interesting posts and information surrounding clinics, and HENRY groups this can be found as:

