Leeds City Council Parking Enforcement around schools
School gate parking enforcement vehicle update.....
As a parent you will be aware of the issues surrounding school gate parking. Parking illegally or inconsiderately not only causes inconvenience to local residents and undermines the school's efforts to be a good neighbour, but it also creates a major road safety issue, causing danger to our children and pedestrians crossing roads.
In a bid to combat illegal and dangerous parking near our school, we have been working with Leeds City Council’s Uniformed Patrol Officers and the new parking enforcement vehicle to identify dangerous and inappropriate parking. The vehicle uses camera / video footage which is then verified by officials to identify where a parking offence has been committed. Fines are then issued.
Data from the Autumn term (September to December) shows that the mobile enforcement vehicle made 190 visits to 52 different schools and issued 111 penalty charge notices. Uniformed officers, who patrol on foot, made 772 visits to 41 different schools and issued 177 penalty charge notices.
These results highlight the shocking and persistent problem of inappropriate and dangerous parking outside schools at the beginning and end of the school day.
It sounds obvious, but if you really do need to drive for the school drop off or pick up, then please show some consideration for the safety and well-being of others. Don’t park on double yellow lines or school "keep clear" markings, on pedestrian crossings or where a school crossing patrol officer operates. Don’t block driveways, junctions, or cause an obstruction to pupils and other pedestrians who are trying to cross roads. Rather than battle to find a space right outside the school gates or in the car park, it is probably far easier to park slightly further away and walk the last 5 minutes. You may well find that this is quicker, easier and far less stressful.
By parking in a legal and considerate manner, you will help to reduce congestion and pollution, improve road safety for pedestrians needing to cross and improve the relationship of the school with its neighbours.
Thank you for your co-operation.