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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'


20th October 2021


Dear Parents/Carers,


Purple Mash - Homework Expectations


Purple Mash has been a huge success for our pupils, therefore homework across school is expected to be completed using the Purple Mash website.

Each Friday, your child will have Maths and English homework set for them on Purple Mash. This homework will need to be completed and ‘handed in’ by the following Wednesday. Online homework will then be seen by your child’s class teacher.


After half term it is expected that ALL children will complete their homework by Wednesday every week. If they do not complete their homework they will have a detention with their class teacher - meaning they will miss their playtime after lunch.


To Access Purple Mash

Click on the following link:


  • Login using the child’s username and password (they have been using this in school so they should know it)
  • Click on the ‘2do’ tab at the top of the screen
  • Click on Math or English
  • When completed click on ‘save and exit’
  • They MUST click on the ‘hand in’ tab.


More Help

If you would like to watch a video to explain how to use Purple Mash in more detail, please visit

  • How to get started on Purple Mash Part 1:

  • How to get started on Purple Mash Part 2:


Borrowing a laptop from school

You may be able to borrow a laptop from school. We have a limited number of laptops available. If you would like to borrow one for your child (one per family) please complete this form.


Thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning.


Kind Regards,


Miss Pollard, Computing Leader.