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Ingram Road Primary School

'Believe, Achieve, Succeed....'

'Growing Together'

Free School Meals

23rd March


Dear Parents/Carers


Children who are entitled to claim Free School Meals will have a packed lunch available to collect from school every day during the current school closure. 


  • The packed lunch will be available to collect from the school office between 12 o'clock and 12.30pm (there are still people in the office if you are a little bit earlier or a little bit later so dont worry!).
  • Please observe social distancing at ALL TIMES - please leave a 2 metre space between you and the next person


We intend to continue to provide Free School Meals in this way until we are notified of alternative options available to parents. This decision will be made by the Local Authority and Catering Leeds who provide our school meals.


If you are unable to collect your child's meal, we understand. 


If you are having problems either because you are self isolating and cant get to the shops, or you are struggling financially, please contact school and we will see what we can do to help.


There's also help on our website.


Please dont struggle alone!


Mrs Greaves

School Business Manager