Start The Conversation
9th December 2024
Dear Parent/Carers
Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership, West Yorkshire Police and partners have launched a campaign to encourage parents to have conversations with their children about their online activity. Please read the important information below:
Talk to your child about staying safe online
Most of us tend to think of our online and offline lives as separate, but children today are growing up with technology and the internet as a natural part of their lives. To them there isn't a separation. It's all just life. The internet is now part of the real world.
Talking to your child about what they do online is just as important as asking where they are going when they go out with their friends. It can be difficult starting the conversation with your child about their online activities. Technology keeps changing and you might find it overwhelming trying to keep up with it all, but you don't need to. You just need to take an interest in what apps and games your child is using. That's the best place to start.
Your child might not want to share anything with you at first, but keep trying.
Having honest and open conversations with your child and speaking to them regularly about what they are doing online, could be crucial in giving your child the confidence to tell you if they have seen something that makes them feel uncomfortable or may highlight someone who is wanting to cause harm.
See the attached leaflet for some helpful tips on how to start the conversation.
Further guidance is available on the LSCP website as well as information on how to set up parental control on all the devices that your child uses.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Miss Sam Williams